How to Move from Mastodon to Firefish to – 125 points –
How to Move from Mastodon to Firefish

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HOLY SHIT... I just tried and there's TONS of right wing anti trans lies in their trending "news."

No fucking thank you.

What are you talking about? Trending isn’t even working right now… sources please.

they posted multiple anti transgender stories. obvious astroturfing. I'm out.

Isn't that a problem with specific instances/federation rather than the software itself? There are some hateful right-wing Lemmy instances too but that doesn't seem to be a problem for you as the instance you use has probably defederated from them.

they seem to have an issue moderating content.

They're also not on your instance in the first place. You're looking at the Global feed. That isn't content from Firefish.Social, that's content from elsewhere on the Fediverse. Firefish.Social admins can't moderate content on another server.

I went to firefish. I made an account. On fire fish I saw anti transgender astroturfing.
Does this mean firefish is free from all douchebaggery?

I'm just saying, that's like buying a window from Lowe's, installing it in your home, and then being mad at Lowe's for having a bad view. They can't control what you see when you use the tool literally designed to look at the outside world.

With all respect, it's nothing like that.

It's literally like that. That's how the Global tab works. You're seeing off-site content. It may even be off-platform, entirely.

I think your frustration is more with the basic functionality of the Fediverse, in a more general sense, than with FireFish specifically.

That's far from a good faith interpretation of their complaint.

Maybe, but the complaint seems to be based on a misunderstanding of how federated content works. What they're describing is literally content not on the instance they're saying it's on. Their own screenshot even shows that the content in question is from a different instance than the one they're using, which to me sounds more like an issue with understanding how the Fediverse works than with Firefish.Social's moderation ability.

The question is, if there are instances that are full of transphobic content, and they're reported, does firefish defederate them. If they do, the view will improve. Although, global feeds are never very useful.

"Firefish" doesn't defederate from anything because it's just a set of software. The specific instance that that user visited might not defederate from right wing instances, but other firefish instances do.

I think they're taking about Firefish's default instance, rather than the software.

1- Never join the official instances. They always are too big that are almost impossible to moderate.

2- In which timeline did you see those comments? Because if it was global, it's possible these are unknown servers the admins aren't aware of. (The trending section is global)

I mean, to be fair, the person you replied to is using Kbin rather than Lemmy - they're interacting with a Lemmy community though.

Just to be clear, which firefish server did you join?

I just checked out the main server ( and there wasn't any transphobic content in the "Global" or "Local" section.

I'm wondering if you ended up on a really toxic right-wing fediverse instance, that happens to use Firefish as its software, and so the Firefish main site stupidly/ignorantly listed it as a possible place to sign up. If that's the case they need to get rid of it.

Try a different server with better moderation. Maybe

That’s a mastodon server.

Not to speak for @jerome, but they were originally talking about the topics appearing in the trending news, which implies that they are referring to's federation/lack of defederation from problematic instances, not the software itself

Correct they seem to have an issue moderating content.

Ew. I'm on and it's a lovely Firefish instance, I don't see any shit like that.

How did you settle on that instance?

Honestly, I migrated from Mastodon just when Calckey (now Firefish) seemed to be gaining more traction. I looked at available instances, and this was one of the first to pop up that checked most of my boxes, being that it is a generalistic instance (skewed a bit toward video game/nerd culture), was up-to-date and properly utilized HTTPS, and had limits I was cool with (character limits, drive storage, etc.). I later found out that it's run by a tech YouTuber I admire, so that was a nice bonus.

My only complaint is that there aren't many custom emojis. lol

There is a variety of instances for Firefish, such as One weird thing I notices is that the Firefish logo is not consistent across all instances. ThatOneCalculator, creator of Firefish, was recently involved in some drama, so some instance owners put an alternative logo instead.

I quickly looked through the #news tag, not seeing this. I guess those bots were active at the time?

Does it not depend on who you follow, is what you see in your feed? Like most networks on Fediverse.