DOJ prosecutors request gag order after Trump arraignment, citing social media threats to politics – 551 points –
DOJ prosecutors request gag order after Trump arraignment, citing social media threats

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Man. What absolute asshat. What I could do with one iota of his confidence and self righteousness

Bravado (!=) Confidence. He is a spineless coward who has thrown every single person in his orbit to the wolves the minute that it suited his interests, insulated him from the consequences of his actions, or protected his fragile ego. I'm sure you're already a better person than Trump could ever hope to be.

True, but regardless of what you say about trump, he's figured out the way to get some people to see things his way. That must be nice

You could say the same thing about many a despot throughout the course of human history. Getting people to buy what you're selling through lies, intimidation, or lopsided power dynamics speaks more to his followers lack of ethics or common sense than the strength of his positions.

Hitler sure did rally lot of Nazi's too. Regardless of what you say about him, Adolf's figured out the way to get some people to see things his way. That must be nice.

Grow a spine. Be a man. Serve your country/community. Fight for old fashioned morals.

Lmfao serve your country like pab captain bone spurs did by dodging the draft with daddy's money?

Give me a fucking break, you people are hilarious.

I think what we should be fighting for is modern morals. We don't all live in Florida.

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