Joe Rogan Praises ‘No-Nonsense’ Tucker Carlson, Predicts ‘He Could Win’ The Presidency in 2028

Flying to politics – 356 points –
Joe Rogan Praises ‘No-Nonsense’ Tucker Carlson, Predicts ‘He Could Win’ The Presidency in 2028

What a meathead asshole Rogan is. Tucker too.


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Of anything positive you could say about Carlson 'no nonsense' isn't even remotely true.

Remember Joe, he made fun of someone else who was 5'7, saying they were too short to be dateable

Even in court they argued that Carlson was nonsense! "No reasonable person" would take him seriously... I mean for fucks sake Rogan lol

His whole "I'm just sealioning, I'm not really a right winger! I like mushrooms and pot hurhur" bit always irritated me because I knew it was bullshit.

I see it as someone who is insecure and letting the culture war control them. It seems like when presented with an idea in isolation, Rogan is capable of accepting it, but if he finds out that the 'woke left' supports it, he flips. Kinda crazy to see happen, actually.

Fuck the culture wars nonsense

Oh fuck you just made me realize which one Carlson is. I was thinking of the prager u guy? Or the guy whose face is all mushed into the center of his head?

Anyway, here's John Stewart on Crossfire shutting Carlson tf down.

5'7" is pretty short though

If you're talking about men, average male height for the US is 5'9". Average male height in Europe is 5'10. Asia is 5'6". Africa is 5'7". Australia is 5'8". Canada is 5'10.5". South America is 5'7".

No, 5'7" is not pretty short.

Username checks out.

Short enough to see under all the hypocrisy?