What are some conspiracy theories you absolutely believe to be true?

echoplex21@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 266 points –

Was reminded how Epstien not killing himself was/is so accepted yet it’s still a conspiracy theory. Is there any similar ones you guys believe to be completely true ?


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After the Pandemics I believe nothing and trust noone.

This comedy-drama is all the proof I need that this world isn't real.

It all started with Harambe. A series of events each more ridiculous than the last. At what point will they finally realize it's all fake? Tune in next week for the next thrilling installment!

I don't necessarily subscribe to this idea, but everything seems to ridiculous to me at this point. Idk how to explain it, but I feel like there was a big change in reality. Everything is so different than it used to be. Not sure if it's just me aging and being more conscious of certain things, or if there was actually a change.

Things are off and idk how to explain it

There was a comment a few years ago, during the height of Trump and COVID, that basically said "You all remember when that Large Hadron Collider experiment went off and they said it was totally okay? You sure about that?"

I think it hits the same idea you've got. And I know this is crazy, but several years back (at a completely different time), I had the same feeling you're describing. I woke up with the feeling like there'd been a switch thrown and now reality was on a different track

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Not sure why you’re being downvoted. The thread asked for conspiracy theories…why come in and downvote peoples thoughts

Because you can leave Reddit, but it doesn't mean that Reddit has left you... 😜

And while I appreciate the sympathies, worry not. I didn't give a damn about votes there, I certainly won't develop the interest for them here.

Because reality hurts normies, they still believe their votes count, there are rich benevolent daddies taking care of them and they merely a temporarily impoverished millionares

Votes do count, of course they do. (Depending on the country), but the problem is the industrialised propaganda machine consistently convincing people to vote against their own interests time and time again in order to protect the wealth, status, and motivations of the richest in society around the world.

They drum up news stories on culture war bullshit and pick scapegoats to direct anger towards. Immigration, LGBTQ+, Race, currently Trans people appear to be the popular target. They do this so we continue to direct anger at each other and not the people in charge.

If you can convince someone the reason they didn't get a payrise, or are struggling during an economic crisis, is because of someone else, then nobody is going to be aiming at the few who are hoarding all of the wealth and building their own mini-empires.

Trickle down economics is the best lie ever told.

The world isn't real, or we're in some sort of low grade hell?

If we're going all in, I'd lean towards the low-grade hell hypothesis.

I'm more about "we're living in a make-pretend kind of illusoric construct, that is fragile and completely fake". All this, the law, society, traditions, possibly our history and more, it's all so manipulated that even the curators of this illusion no longer can tell how things are and were.

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