Twitter/X new ID Verification - First Look to – 1330 points –

Thanks to Popcrave

Who here is going to put their ID and photo on X/Twitter


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it won't be mandatory, unfortunately. Would've loved to see another fediverse mass migration

The eternal september moment for the fediverse is very much coming

What makes you think we're not already there?

Once prominent celebrities and more news agencies start to come (and they will, the BBC is a sign of that) the culture will shift faster than you really realize. There is still an insular culture around the fediverse that tends to be a big barrier around entry for "normies" right now. Going on a mastodon instance as a new user with limited technical knowledge can be quite jarring especially if you step out of line of what it seen as culturally fitting for the fediverse

It's very much a nerd/geek environment at the moment. There isn't much for normies to look at..yet.

BBC R&D is a special case.. they're specifically there to try out new stuff. It isn't always reflected in the rest of the company. They implemented ipv6 years ago for example, but the main bbc website remains ipv4 only.

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Fuck. I was hoping Elon had a meltdown and made it mandatory.

Not that Elon having some of your more pedigree info could possibly ever go wrong!

Yeah I don't know who they ask to do this but I've been on Twitter since 2014 and they've never shown me this and if they mandated it I'd leave even though they already have my phone number and know who I'm.

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