No charges for officer in death of Michigan teen struck by police car during chase to – 186 points –
No charges for officer in death of Michigan teen struck by police car during chase

Don't worry everyone, it was an accident. We're sorry.


As always, ACAB.

We're gonna have to figure out an acronym for these useless prosecutors too, 'cause they're part of the problem. Maybe APAC.

Prosecutors in this case are cops. ACAB from the cops to the prison guards and everyone in between.

APAP; all prosecutors are pricks

APAS; all prosecutors are shitheads

ACAD; all prosecutors are dicks

(Okay im running out of ideas,)

This is what we're headed toward: Any government official can do anything as a government official and get away with it because they were just following orders.

I'm afraid things like this article implies we aren't headed that way, we've already arrived

Here's dash cam from the car. Nothing graphic, but remember it resulted in death (around 4:25):

If he was trying to cut the kid off, he is God damned terrible at driving. He was trying to be "bad ass" and knock the kid over. He REFUSES to say over radio what happened (at least in the time I watched).

I'm so grossed out that they're not charging the officer, but still charging the driver of the stolen car, who was long gone at that point, for causing vehicular death.

Cops love to lie. Even when caught they lie. Sorry was going to aay the family could sue but its the sheriffs department. They wont get a dime and the officer wont miss a day of work. Fuck all cops but especially sheriffs.

Gross. You can see the car bump upwards as he ran over the kid. Just gross.

Not surprised at law enforcement (the prosecutor) failing to enforce the law, but the silver lining is this sounds like an easily-won wrongful death suit.