trying to log it to a homework website. to Mildly – 146 points –

if i search on the internet, nothing seems to help for error code 600010. though its the last real day.

edit: brave for some reason fixed it.


The Cloudflare human verification thing checks browser parameters that some extensions block or fake. Likely caused by "Canvas Blocker" if you use that. The fix is to add the specific Cloudflare subdomain this widget uses to the whitelist.

1 more...

Did you try turning it off and back on again?


both of you, blocked.

Just for info, in case you don't know... the phrase "Have you tried turning it off and back on again" is (or at least originally was) a reference to British sitcom, The IT Crowd.

The show follows the IT department of a largish company and whenever anyone has any kind of computer problem of any sort, the advice given is to turn it off and on. Surprisingly this actually works most of the time.

So, I don't think the OP was trying to annoy you, just make a pop-culture reference that they assumed you would get :-)

That phrase is way before the IT crowd

Yes, that's true. I don't know why I said "originally". I guess I meant that its recent popularity can likely be ascribed to TITC. But you're right, it was a thing before that.

Clicking on "Having trouble?" takes you to a website "5 signs you may be a robot"

I had issues with that stupid widget too this week. Couldn't visit a specific website the whole time and reported it a few times and now it seems to work again. Kinda annoying because I'm pretty sure they annoy specifically VPN users too.