Auschwitz Museum Hits Fox’s Greg Gutfeld For ‘Oversimplified’ Holocaust Remark in Defense of Florida Slavery Curriculum

Flying to politics – 102 points –
Auschwitz Museum Hits Fox’s Greg Gutfeld For ‘Oversimplified’ Holocaust Remark in Defense of Florida Slavery Curriculum

As a person of color, I wish I could say I had the self control not to let this rhetoric that slavery had benefit to anyone but the slave owners get to me. It is absolutely infuriating that anyone would suggest such abject fucking garbage, and anyone who thinks there's a bright side to owning other people can get entirely fucked.

They want to make slavery ok again, and include everyone this time!

Well since they're ok with it and have already sold their souls to the devil they can be the first to volunteer.

It is, they can. It's enshrined in the 13th amendment.

If slavery had benefits then you billionaires don't mind becoming my slave? What? Whats the issue? It has benefits!

Gutfeld finally made it to a regular time slot eh? I remember when they had this clown prancing around at 2am, not as a re-run but because that was the actual time slot they gave him.

He was a clown then and he's a clown now, FNC must be running out of vapid blondes to parade around if they're scraping Gutfeld up and putting him on.

The worst part is he thinks he's extremely witty and droll. His smirk every time he thinks he says something funny is just awful.

To be fair, the guy has the face of a sitcom character actor. We should be laughing at every line that comes out of his face. Just not in a "hey, that was smart and funny!", more like "hah! there's that dufus again".

Fox "News": It's not offensive when we do it to you.

Anytime I see the phrase "it is essential" now I automatically think "ah chatgpt write it". Regardless, I'm surprised something like this even required a rebuke.

I understand the museum here. The Holocaust was terrible for so many Jews.