Armadillo to Lemmy – 488 points –

Nah, that there's an armsadillo. You can tell, because he has two.

In austrian "dillo" means something like idiot. So it is arm a dillo.

Flip this horizontally and you got yourself a perfect meme

I don't know, the backwards text definitely leaves something to be desired

Flip the text too

I don't know, you said the first change would make it the perfect meme. Clearly, it didn't. Are you just going to keep making these minor adjustments until we approach perfection? In which case, I don't know if I have the time to keep finessing this endlessly. /j

It was implied that the text would be readable

(A downvote for a joke, very cool)

Implications? I'm far too autistic for that to work on me. /j