cRUELstacean to – 507 points –

get it cruel bcuz hes mean but also ruel is pronounced like rule (please clap)


It’s more like a warning. I went to London once, it wasn’t pleasant.

London is full of excellent amazing things but they're spread out over an absurdly large area so it's such a pain doing anything. And everyone who lives there is so numb to it! They'll happily indulge every day in 3-4 hours of public transport as if this is a rational way to live.

I'm very happy that they have a reasonably decent transit system, but fuck me I wanted those 4 hours in my life actually.

I liked it, although it was 36 years ago. Couldn't speak to how it is now.

this is humorous because a crustacean is unlikely to make substantive threats of grave bodily injury or harm to human beings and less likely to thoroughly enact them.
