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Hi, I was straight before I read this comic, but obviously it turned me gay. Can someone direct me to a straightening comic strip please? I need to undo this before my wife gets home in a couple hours.

I was a straight man but now I want to be a gay woman.

I heard that the only cure is for us to kiss before our wives both get home. And then for them to kiss. And then for everyone to kiss. That way the gay germs will get totally confused.

Instructions unclear, am now bisexual

WELCOME! It’s more fun here anyway.

I posted this and then deleted it from my instance but it still shows up here. I posted it as satire of what homophobes think, but if it is found to be inappropriate and removed, I understand.

Your community, as in the community you moderates? Yeah it makes sense.

From what I've heard, moderators (and admins probably) can see deleted posts, as this scenario did happen to my post in the communities I moderate. Fortunately, only moderators, admins, or anyone with your posts' link before it was deleted could potentially see your deleted posts.

That's why it's recommended that you edit your post title, description, and url/images to "deleted by creator" or similar when deleting your posts, as moderators can't undo edits.

the funny thing about this is that the only media that made me realise i like women is very male gaze-y