Billionaire Makes Largest Donation in 2024 Election Cycle to Pro-Trump Super PAC to politics – 107 points –

A billionaire with probably more money than they'll ever need forever... but somehow that's not enough and needs more kickbacks. Ass!

At that level of wealth, it isn't always about greed. Many of these guys think they're changing their country for the better by promoting conservatism.

If you had that kind of bank, wouldn't you throw money at liberal politicians? I would.

At that level of wealth your entire motivation for living has been greed and no amount of money satisfies greed. They're expecting a return on that donation for sure.

Would be interesting if all politicians had to share one pool of cash for campaigning, though it would be nice if individual people could still choose one politician

We need money out of politics, but it's not going to happen because moderates Dems and Republicans both take advantage of it.

We won't be able to fix it till progressives are the majority, and we're having difficulty because dirty money goes into primaries too where it's even more impactful.

If you bring in lots of money (shady was doesn't matter) you get leadership positions.

That's why Jaime Harrison is is running the DNC despite not knowing how to win an election.

The system is built around money, not votes.

Money is not fucking free speech

My employer does not fucking pay me in free speech

I can't fucking take my free speech to the bank and cash it