Big business lobbies against heat protections for workers as US boils to politics – 291 points –
Big business lobbies against heat protections for workers as US boils

I'm a construction worker. I'm also an adult. If I'm working in the heat, I take a water break whenever I feel like I need one. If I need to go sit in my truck with the ac on, that's what i do. If anyone has a problem with it, they can fuck right off and find someone else.

All it would take is everyone adopting this same attitude for things to change. Water and rest breaks are taken, not given. It's your body, not your boss's. Take care of yourself. Solidarity saves lives.

Too many people can't take the risk of losing their jobs. It's pretty shitty.

There would be no risk if everyone did the same thing. You're only replaceable if there's someone willing to replace you.

This. Too many people complain about working conditions without doing anything about it just waiting for someone else to fix the issue.

Damn. What heartless sobs. And all for saving that measly cent.

Like…how is this even a thing?

“People are dying” should be the last fucking statement on it. Fuck your goddamn profits. Eat my dick. Fuck capitalism

Capitalism requires human sacrifice and suffering in order to function. Most economic systems do, unfortunately. Wage slavery is still slavery, but modernized. That way, we all can be slaves.

Hopefully people won't stand for this, dying in the heat because your boss said you can't have water or a break. It's just so absurd, there's no way people will accept this. I hope.

How heartless do you have to be to take away what people need to survive all in the name of "saving a few pennies"? I honestly don't believe it would save them any money at all and that people will work slower if they're dehydrated and at risk of heat stroke. This is just insane. It's insane to even have this conversation period.

You fool, people are replaceable. Capital is not! Now if you'll excuse me, I need some "me" time in the executive washroom.