How do you all look so pretty? to – 55 points –

OMG! I follow so many trans groups on here, fb, yt, reddit wherever and there are so many of you that if I didn't see where it was posted I'd assume you were just a rediculously attractive cis woman and I'm so jealous!


Well, I mean, you're part of us now. You're part of the ridiculously attractive girls club :3

I totally get you tho. I was at a local pride parade 2 months ago and I was literally completely overwhelmed by the amount of people that gave me a "OMG I NEEEED TO GO TO THEM AND HUG THEM" feeling (even if I didn't do it because shyyy). I was literally melting

Same! I know there must be some kind of selection bias, but it's encouraging.

Given that I currently look like a recently-shaved walrus in a dress, if I'm not supermodel-grade this time next year, who do I speak to about a refund?

It's a YMMV thing. The fat, "ugly" ones of us don't post or do and don't get upvoted so we're not seen. If you don't start off as a twink don't expect to look like them. The rest of us look like heavyset women with PCOS.