Soon, Deep fakes might be used in Biopics, so the main actor might look exactly like the person the film is based of. to – 123 points –

I think I’d prefer if they didn’t, tbh. I really enjoy seeing the actors transform into the character they’re portraying without looking exactly like them. I understand the appeal of immersion, but it would kind of rob the film of having its own character.

I recognized at least 20 actors in Oppenheimer, but that didn't impact my immersion at all because they did such a phenomenal job. I don't think deepfaking the real Oppenheimer's face onto Cillian Murphy would've made a difference.

Everyday Joes and Jaynes are less attractive than a movie start whose job is to always look good and act accordingly.

However, I can definitely see the future of movies like how you described.

Why not? You've got an AI generated image allready, why not touch it up a little, like you would with a photoshopped super model, to make the person look a little more appealing.

the main actor might look exactly like the person the film is based of.

That is why

Not if the Hollywood unions get their way

Prepare for the deep fake remake of all the biopics ever made.

Bold of you to assume there will still be an actor involved.

Slightly less soon, the totally artificial simulation will look just like the subject, no actor necessary..

Beauty not being nigh mandatory for lead roles could be interesting. Deep fakes could mean that it doesn't matter how the actor looks at all.