What is this beautiful specimen called?

lukstru@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 62 points –

Ignore the dirty window lol. Had them in our house for over a week in that spot now, but this is the first time they turned around. I find the legs mesmerizing


It's a cross orbweaver or European garden spider (Araneus diadematus).

Yes, that’s it. Thanks!

Golden Orb Weavers are common in Australia. I took this pic back in 2016 to send to some of my friends back in the US who find a kind of intense fascination in spiders (and also in avoiding them). Note the banding on the legs, same as yours:

Is everybody just completely misunderstanding what AskLemmy is supposed to be for? Are mods actually doing anything?

Gorgeous Spider, Orb Weaver, destroyer of flies, protector of your house.