RFK Jr. Announces He Will ‘Actively’ Campaign With Donald Trump, Says Other Democrats Will Join The Team

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 17 points –

The suggestion there's some sort of wave of Democrats splitting for Trump is laughable when there's no ideological alignment between even the most centrist Democrats and Trump. The few jumping over, like Gabbard, are the most cynically hollow of politicians who have no political ideology to speak of, simply chasing what's best for their profile.

With the Trump campaign floundering and a Harris win looking more and more likely, I think even the most vapid and opportunistic of them will be thinking twice before jumping ship now.

Remember Gabbard was asked the most obvious moral question in the history of the nation and her answer was "I'm here, too?"

This is in no way what's best for their profile. It's what's best for their life. Their livelihood. Or their family safety.

I have no doubt that they have been credibly threatened by Russian intelligence.

Other? Like manchin and cinema?

I hate rightwingers who are too ashamed of their politics to openly declare who they are. Fuck you, you're full of hate and misinformation. Just own it.


It used to be Elephants v Donkeys, but now we have RINOs v DINOs. If DINOs hace velociraptors on their team, my bet's on them

Someone hook Bobby Kennedys body up to a grid!

Hes probably spinning so fast, he could light up the eastern seaboard.

If people think Gabbard was ever a democrat they don’t follow politics and careers deeply enough. She’s always been a Russian plant. That woman is human trash. IDGAF if she’s a veteran, she’s a disgrace to the uniform.