Musician charged with fraud for inflating streams with AI and bots to – 69 points –
Musician charged with fraud for inflating streams with AI and bots

That's 27000 streams/hour. How? Why did this take years to discover? How did this not get automatically detected within minutes?

WTF am I doing with my life if it is this easy to scam 2.4million in a year? 1 year and I could yoink it all and move to some BF island in the middle of nowhere with no extradition and live the rest of my life playing Blackjack and Hookers.

I feel that way about ten second dumbfuck GMod videos on YouTube with a million views. Who knew heads in toilets would end up being a worldwide sensation?

Couldn't you argue Meta scams investors by allowing bots and AI to inflate their user base numbers?

You see, Meta has billions, which puts them above the law. Also they make their investors happy, most likely

*Charged for falsifying his identity and billing info

Posting AI-generated songs is perfectly legal, and there are other people who have made 6 figures doing this without committing fraud

The charges have nothing to do with the content he uploaded. Are people so ready to give their opinion on AI that they assume AI must be the reason he's getting charged?

Yup, the key difference is their listeners are actually human.