Previously Secret Memo Laid Out Strategy for Trump to Overturn Biden’s Win to – 179 points –
Previously Secret Memo Laid Out Strategy for Trump to Overturn Biden’s Win

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Any time I hear about trump memos I always think of the Onion's trump documents. (This is from 2017)

A TL;DR of the memo: We’ll pressure all pro-Trump electors to meet and cast their votes together for Trump, as opposed to following their state’s popular vote, which is somehow only illegal in some states.

Can we just remind ourselves of how stupid the existence of an Electoral College is?

The electoral college and the senate (as it functions now) exists to give slave states more power so that they'd agree to ratify the constitution with the expectation that they can use it to protect the institution of slavery. It is a carry over protection of slavery that we somehow didn't fix after we fought a war over the bullshit they were doing. It never should have existed, but it definitely shouldn't now.

Well this seems pretty open and shut at this point.

I recognize that what I suggest is a bold , controversial strategy , and that there are many reasons why it might not end up being executed on January 6. But as long as it is one possible option , to preserve it as a possibility it is important that the Trump - Pence electors cast their electoral votes on December 14.

Wow. Bold and controversial indeed. The fact that this was sent in December clearly shows intent.

Uhm... the guy's name is Kenneth Chesebro? Is that, like, an alias to protect the dude's real identity?

According to the indictment, Mr. Giuliani, who is referred to as Co-Conspirator 1, spoke with someone identified only as Co-Conspirator 6 about finding lawyers to help with the effort in seven states. An email reviewed by The Times suggests that particular conspirator could be Boris Epshteyn, a campaign strategic adviser for the Trump campaign who was paid for political consulting.

You're fucking kidding right? Epshteyn...It's like real life is just a poorly written sketch for daytime drama tv.

You already forgot that Trump had a lawyer with the name "Pecker" in the Stormy Daniels case? I think there were even more lawyers with penis-names, but I can't remember all that weird shit that happened.

While i like the memo as a piece of evidence, I prefer the power point they made better

The PowerPoint was presented on 4 January to a number of Republican senators and members of Congress

i hope these people, who remained silent after seeing this. are charged as co-conspirators

It seems to me that if the point is to preserve the option in case of litigation: having the would-be electors meet, conduct a vote, fill out certificates, and hold them until possible certification by the governor might have been fine. This is basically what happened in Hawaii in 1960 -- the Democratic slate was only sent to Washington once certified by the governor.

Going ahead and transmitting them and purporting them to be the actual certificates seems like a fraud.

The difference between this and Hawaii, 1960 is that back then they hit the deadline to submit the slate of electors and they legit did not know who won the election.

So the state legislature sent TWO official slates of electors with the caveat that the winner should be determined by the time they were to be counted and only the winning slate should be counted, which was Kennedy, and Nixon was the one who counted them.

In this case, there was no doubt who the winner was (Biden) and the false electors weren't selected or submitted by the state, they self selected and self submitted. It was a complete and utter fraud.

There really is no comparison.

I find it funny and sad when headlines are phrased like that when in reality they should read "Previously Secret Memo Laid Out Strategy for Trump to Overturn American Democracy and Install Fascist Regime."