White House unveils ban on US investment in Chinese tech sectors

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to Technology@lemmy.world – 127 points –

White House unveils ban on US investment in Chinese tech sectors::Biden cites security risk as he restricts American capital for companies linked to China’s military


It's smart, I don't know how people will feel about it but it's smart.

The US and China are in an escalating economic cold war. It's goes completely against US interests to invest finite resources into growing the economy of an economic rival — and ditto for the converse of China investing into growing the US economy. Especially in an aggressively competitive economic sector where relative technological advancement is king for competitive purposes.

This is 40 years too late. That ship has sailed. China is a technologically advanced nation now. It can not be condemed to poverty by Americans.

Who's talking about that? It's about helping the technology supremacy to a known bad actor... Say whatever you want about how evil the USA is but I'd rather be under their influence than under China's or Russia's

China did not invade Iraq. China does not carry out drone murders around the world.

China invaded Tibet and genocided the entire population, same with Mongolia and with the Uyghurs. And if you talk about June 4 you are disappeared.

Your point?

My point is that America is a violent and destructive force, and a threat to human civilization.

And China isn't? I must have missed the part where America used tanks to turn a bunch of students into a bloody pulp.

Do Iraqi students not count? Or do you not consider non-white people as human?

What about the victims of US drone stikes?

Like these non whites?

doesn't change the fact that you don't consider victims of American murders as human.

When did I ever say that? Look at the post chain because I didn't and it was never implied either. Get off China's nuts because you're laughably ridiculous with your trolling.

It looks to me that you don't consider Tibetans and Uyghurs humans...

What gave you that ridiculous idea. Murder is murder. It does not matter if it's committed by American thugs or Chinese ones.

However, I don't see Americans complaining that their government is run by murderous thugs.

No, it can only be condemned to poverty by its own leaders unimaginable corruption.

America can thank God for that.

Last I checked the Chinese economy was doing great. They lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.

Oh hey, a ban that actually makes sense.

40 years too late. China is more advanced than US now.

Even if thats true, I really doubt they have the capacity to weild it properly. Especially with the whole fucked economy thing.

Thank God for Xi, Deng was smart enough to get China it's massive leap into the modern age, and Xi is stupid enough to destroy all they've made.

A great move 30 years after neoliberalism forced globalization down our throats and brought the planet to the brink of collapse in the name of exploiting the global south.

Like it or not China has become a huge threat, not just economically. they are not our allies by any stretch and we shouldnt treat them as such.

At least that's what the current hegemon says to the world.

Where I an looking from, America is a far bigger threat to humanity. China did not invade Iraq or bomb Middle Eastern countries with drones.

Iraq was "liberated" and is now a safer place and a democracy. Jolly good work by the americans. Greetings from free Europe

The military needs to develop its own encrypted os to use on bases and beef up their security. We are vulnerable because we use the dumbest most common OS out there. They should have their own hardware built by their own people. The US military should have its own in house manufacturing and development.