Pokémon unveils official Wiglett toy

Hdcase@beehaw.org to Gaming@beehaw.org – 145 points –
Pokémon unveils official Wiglett toy

"The official Pokémon Center shop has launched its latest plush toy - and it's for Wiglett, the long, pink-tipped worm-like creature that stands erect at 10-and-a-quarter inches."


My fiancé and I ordered one just to leave out in our living room for when people come over.

God damn, I might do this too. That's hilarious.

Also more hilarious if anyone ever visits. The joys of being a recluse. Guess I can give my mother a heart attack on her next visit. Lmfao.

What a shit website. Instant popup requiring you to consent to ads or buy a subscription, and the consent options don't allow removal of consent for ads and tracking. This is a GDPR violation.

Firefox + NoScript + U-block Origin and you'll never experience anything like that again but you will break some sites; however, those sites deserve to be broken.

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I knew this was going to be good as soon as I saw the NSFW label.

The official Pokémon Center shop has launched its latest plush toy - and it's for Wiglett, the long, pink-tipped worm-like creature that stands erect at 10-and-a-quarter inches.

Wiglett debuted in last year's Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, and quickly became something of a f avourite.

Wigglet's design features a bulbous base, long pale shaft and then redder tip - that's its nose.

If you'd like one for your room, its measurements are 26cm in height and 12cm in girth

Thanks, Tom.

The marketing states that the plush is "ready to stand tall" and has a bendable body... at least the fabric is waterproof right?

You can waterproof anything with a thin latex film...

It's a plushy guys! No need to worry.

Why would anyone choose to purchase this, despite hundreds, if not thousands, of other pokemon plushes, including Diglett?

Still nothing compared to Roman design. Penises, penises everywhere.

There’s a funny candle holder in my local museum in the form of a naked man. I’ll let you imagine how the candle is being held up.

PS: The German word for candlestick is “Kerzenständer” (candle + stand). However, “Ständer” also refers to a boner, so “Kerzenständer” is the best description for that object.