Windows 11 beta fixes major taskbar gripe, removes old File Explorer settings to – 39 points –
Windows 11 beta fixes major taskbar gripe, removes old File Explorer settings

Finally after so many years the "never combine labels" setting is back and i can uninstall explorerpatcher


Well, looks like it still doesn’t let you move the taskbar to the top natively so I will continue my boycott of Windows 11.

On that note, it’s ridiculous how quickly they’re stopping long-term support for Windows 10 compared to say XP or 7.

I know better than to install windows 11 because I have pattern recognition skills. Windows Xp? great

Windows Vista? mediocre

Windows 7? great!

windows 8? mediocre

windows 10? great!

Now just to hold out until windows 12 or whatever they call it.

I can't help but think they're going to shoot themselves in the foot with this.

Adoption of Windows 11 is abysmal and part of it is because of the whole TPM 2.0 requirement.

Windows 11 came out in October 2021, deep into the COVID pandemic. While 2022 had strong sales of new PCs, the sales were dipping and have stayed low since the end of 2022.

I feel like this is going to be another Windows Vista moment, where people will be using the previous iteration for longer simply because not everyone will have hardware that can actually upgrade to Windows 11.

With sales crashing, how many people actually have computers that have TPM 2.0 and can run Windows 11? Most people I know with desktops (an anecdote, I know) don't have TPM 2.0 and aren't looking to upgrade any time soon. They will feel frustrated and angry with Microsoft if the reason they have to upgrade is seen as arbitrary. If their systems would otherwise be considered compatible, except for the lack of TPM 2.0, it's just Microsoft jerking them the fuck around.

I personally expect Windows 10 to get its shelf-life extended many times, much like Windows 7 ended up getting. They can't force the upgrade on people whose computers can't be upgraded and don't have the disposable cash to get a new one on a whim. Inflation is eating people's budgets. Even with prices for PC parts tanking, it's not enough to bring up sales. How do they expect to get people to upgrade when the problem isn't their CPU or their RAM or their SSD... its a fucking chip they don't even know the name of or what it does?

Oh, interesting. I didn't know about this TPM requirement; looks like my CPU does support it, but it's not turned on in BIOS. Hope you're right though and W10 does get its support lifetime extended.

Yeah, honestly. My PC is 10 years old (with the exception of my GPU) and still runs the games I play perfectly fine for the most part. If I didn't want to run them smoother at higher graphics settings, or especially if I didn't play games much at all, I'd have no reason to upgrade my PC. And yet I literally can't upgrade my current one to Windows 11 because it doesn't support TPM 2.0.

Give them another couple years, it's so hard to move the taskbar to the top /s

It's because they need you to have all the spyware installed.

Collecting all your data is part of their business model now

Until I can dock my taskbar on the side like I have for the last 15 years, I will NEVER upgrade to 11.

Can't see system files in File Explorer any more, I see. Lame. One more step on Microsoft's journey to turn Windows into iOS.

Can be changed in registry, though.

I always wanted to see system files but if i enabled it, i would see desktop.ini in the desktop and it would irritate me

Can be changed in registry

Temporarily. The only reason I can think of to remove the UI is that they intend to also remove the feature it controls, and just haven't done it yet.

A lot of things are only available through the registry.

What I despise about regedit is you have to know what magical keys exist to change functionality, of it doesn't exist already. Unless I'm missing something. Or there's documentation.

There really isn't any documentation for all of it because it's essentially just a variable storage. So any program can add things to the registry in anyway they want. I'm sure with windows specific ones there are some docs around them.

I don't get why they had to make 11. 10 was good enough with improvements, and it feels like Microsoft should have learned their lesson from 8.

Windows 11 has some niche features that set it apart in amazing ways. One of them is that it natively supports Linux GUI applications almost the same way as native Windows applications. No need to have a dedicated remote desktop window. Just intermingle Linux and windows applications through WSLg. Granted, it won't mean much to many users but as it stands, Windows is becoming the top multi-platform OS. Who would have thought?

Well, I doubt it'll stay on top forever as it very clearly shows that it's in the process of enshittification.

That's great, but why couldn't that be a part of Windows 10?

Technically Windows 11 is just a slightly re-skinned continuation of Windows 10. They just had to make it a new version so that they could add in the extra boot security requirements (plus they didn't want to force the new skin on existing Win10 users immediately). But as long as you have a new enough machine then you can upgrade to WIn11 no problem if you want the new features. And if you like where you are, you can continue to use Win10 for another 2 years plus.

My opinion is that they wanted an excuse to drop certain cpu supports because past vulnerabilities.

My question is, when will they fix search crashing. Half the time I go to search it's broken, if I have to restart windows explorer to fix it.

Use Everything search for finding files. It's dramatically faster and works very well. I have the hotkey set to Ctrl + win + f, it's pretty intuitive. I use it constantly and am happy with it.

Thanks for sharing. It looks like it is time to create a ps1 script that I keep handy for installs that mod the registry. :)