Jellyfin for games library to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 97 points –

Greetings from the toliet. I'm looking for something like jellyfin for video games where I could look at the art of the game and see the description and download the game through the web portal.


Playnite might be what you're looking for. I love it personally. Open source, the maintainer's a boss and updates constantly, lots of extensions. Works beautifully with emulators too.

Note that this isn't like something that lets you play your games from anywhere or download your games from anywhere.

Here's mine

Man I have playnite too but yours looks so much better than mine. Looks like I gotta dive back into themes

I'm using mythic. You can also download it directly from playnight by hitting f9 of opening the add-ons menu > browse > desktop themes

and details to grid view converter you can download this directly too using the same menu > browse > generic.

The view affects the "grid view" but lets you essentially expand the details pane. Should be simple from there!

There’s GameVault.

Is this what was formerly known as crackpipe? lol

It is. Wish they kept the name, I thought it was apt and funny

I'm glad they changed it. The name of your product, the thing it's gonna be known for, is a terrible place for puns. Losing potential users and contributors over a joke name is dumb as hell.

I found the name funny, but having to tell my 6yo to open "crack pipe" to play his game isn't as much...

I've found it to be very bloated and slow myself. Not to mention it wasn't able to detect a good chunk of my library. The fact that it requires an app from the Windows Store is super odd too.

Good to know. I had no idea it needs a Windows store client…

The fact that they went with an app at all puts of me off of it. Maybe I've become to accustomed to web interfaces, but it's what I expect nowadays.

GOG Galaxy is also a really good game manager. I was pleasantly surprised by its newer release. Scans games from all of your popular platforms (Steam, Epic, etc) as well as custom library folders.

I agree that this and play nite are nice but it doesn't seem to fit what op wants at all.

To note: it's been having problems syncing with Steam for awhile now, and only workaround is to download a custom plugin from GitHub and overwrite the existing plugin and then hope the one guy maintains it forever...until GOG fixes it of course