Top Oversight Democrat Jamie Raskin says Hunter Biden did ‘really unlawful and wrong things’

Collision to politics – -31 points –
Top Oversight Democrat Jamie Raskin says Hunter Biden did ‘really unlawful and wrong things’

I really don't know why we're wasting so much energy on this guy. Unless Joe was involved, I don't really care. Lock him up if he committed crime, whatever.

yeah it's kind of pathetic how Republicans is trying to dirty everybody's names because they have nothing better to do and no ideas

Great, let's nail him, and set the standards there. his position as a family relation of an official will mean that we must also look at the financial dealings of other relations of officials, like Ginny Thomas, kushner, Mr pelosi, the rest of the supreme Court, and most of Congress.

The attorney general is going to need a bigger budget to have the staff to deal with this...

Agreed, no preferential treatment for anyone related or associated with political representatives.

Yes please, both sides. Get after it and stop handing out favors.

Good thing he’s irrelevant, or we’d have to do nothing about it, like the GOP did for Trump’s hatchlings.

Was this written by someone not a native English speaker? The title is really weirdly worded.

lol, it's kind of sad but not at all surprising to see people here downvoting this particular post. If his name was "Hunter Trump" or "Hunter DeSantis" you all would be upvoting it like crazy and don't pretend you wouldn't.

Maybe they're downvoting because it's a Murdoch shit rag.

Hmm... Well, the top post right now in this community is from, hardly an objective journatlistic source. There's also a post from "" getting heavily upvoted, which describes itself as follows: "It’s Going Down is a digital community center for anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements across so-called North America. Our mission is to provide a resilient platform to publicize and promote revolutionary theory and action." Not much concern here over journalistic standards with those 2 sources apparently...

If the NYPost were to report that there was flooding in my area while I was waist-deep in water, I'd suspect that there was something else going on, if not confirmed by other, actually reliable sources.