What is the best case of instant karma that you have ever seen?

Lanky_Pomegranate530@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 70 points –

Driving on the highway and some douche was weaving in and out, then cut us off. Missed hitting us by an inch.

We immediately said, "I wish there was a cop right there...". And there was .. Cop saw the whole thing and immediately kicked on the lights and got that asshole. We were hanging out the window cheering when we went by the traffic stop.

I had a similar thing happen, except that instead of a cop, they hit a patch of ice, slid sideways into a light pole completely fucking up the side of their expensive looking SUV, and then they drove off as if nothing happened.

Dude going 50-60km/h over the speed limit on the highway. For whatever reason his hood didn't latch properly and the high speed caused it to fling back, completely smashing the window and covering his view. He had to cross 2 lanes to pull over with no ability to see in front of him. Glad nobody got hurt.

I had the opposite of a lot of people here, though no less satisfying.

Once got stuck behind a car going 30 under the speed limit. It was a single lane road, and the opposing lanes had a lot of traffic so there was no way for me or the other dozen cars behind to safely pass.

When that cop pulled the slow car over it was cheerful honking all the way back.

On a country road they pass me going well above speed limit. No thought for any oncoming traffic.

Five minutes later I pass them, they are on the side of the road with a police officer at their window.

I was going to my hotel in a city for the weekend. On my way two young guys try to rob my phone. Next street there was a police car, so they ran away. Pursuit ensue, they get cough.

2 more...

Pulling up to a light that was changing from yellow to red, when a crappy blue hatchback zoomed past me and the car in front of me in the next lane over, through the just-turned-red light. Local cop was first in line at the cross street and pulled out with the lights going. Saw the guy pulled over about a quarter mile down the road. Waved cheerfully.

Joining a 3-lane motorway, two inside lanes crawling because of junctions, outside lane moving freely. So of course I want to get into the outside lane asap. There's a gap next to me in the middle lane and I indicate to move into it. The car behind the gap sped up to stop me; fortunately for both of us, I always double-check after indicating. Immediately after I moved out behind him, a gap opened up in the outside lane and, as I am now behind him, it catches up to me first.

I gave him a thank you wave as I accelerated past.