What is the deal with that newspaper Kansas newspaper raid?

gabe [he/him]@literature.cafe to Out of the loop@lemmy.world – 160 points –

I'm just so confused, what on earth happened?


Sounds like the newspaper was investigating the police chief and the chief in turn violated their rights and caused the 98 yr old co-owner to die in the process:



The one wrinkle in this story so far is that they ALSO raided a city council member (https://www.kansascity.com/news/state/kansas/article278220882.html). That council member also received the documents the newspaper were sent and she notified someone in the city executive. That was also a baseless warrant. And the county attorney who drafted the warrant and sent it to the incompetent judge is the brother of drunk Karen's restaurant landlord. There's more to be said about what is going on, but there's a whole lot of absolute incompetence in addition to malice.

Wow. The entire justice system in that part of Kansas is fucked. Seems like State Police or the FBI (if possible) should get involved.

I'm sure Merrick Garland's DoJ will act with dispatch and determination. 🙄

So I’m just slightly confused. They were investigating the police chief while simultaneously also dealing with the drunk Karen restauranteur? Seems like the police were issued a warrant to raid the homes per the restauranteur investigation? Does anyone understand the connection with the police chief or am I just being dense?


It gives him a motive, which generally some drunk Karen wouldn't provide. Police tend to ignore problems that might cause them to do actual work.

I was being dense haha. I wasn’t thinking police would actually be that opportunistic, but of COURSE they are. Especially small town Kansas. Gestapo shit.

No offense OP but read literally any article on it and it will be explained in full in a just a few paragraphs.

Bruh you're literally on r/outoftheloop, shut up

I thought this place was for confusing topics that require context to understand, not cut and dry news stories like this. "Why are people freaking out about Microsoft buying Blizzard?" would be a great post for someone without tech/business knowledge.

This, though, is asking for a summary of a recent event. There is no deeper context needed to understand. It's like standing next to a dictionary and saying you're out of the loop on the definition of a word...just take 2 minutes and read it.

While I haven't look into articles of this event. I do know a lot of American news sites slams the door in the face of any European trying to read them. Making it an absolute pain in the ass trying to read some articles, so asking an American to explain it for you, is definitely the easier option.

The top reply is literally a link to the story which, unsurprisingly, cleared the whole thing up for OP.

r/outoftheloop started strong with niche explanations from people in the know before it devolved into every top post being "What happened with [event]?" karma farm garbage. It seems we're starting out that way here...