New Steam RTS is basically a surprise Command and Conquer sequel to – 98 points –
Command and Conquer is back, basically, in a new RTS available to play on Steam

I realise I should link the game to allow people to skip the clickbait title


Game: Tempest Rising

Thanks, it's incomprehensible how OP didn't even manage to mention it in either the title or the blurb up above. Is he a bot or something?

And why does he keep calling it "Steam RTS"? Kind of suggests it was developed by Valve.

Specially weird given that there was a whole thing with Neon Prime MAYBE having RTS elements. Someone might confuse themselves crossing those wires. This title just sucks.

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Its not a surprise either, these guys have put out a couple preview trailers and have been promoting the game for like a year now. Looks cool, been on my wish list for awhile

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I'm not super interested in classic RTS anymore, thanks to 4X, but I'll keep an eye out for it and try the playtest. I still have my doubts that it will capture the same charm as the original C&C though. Especially someone like Kane will be hard to replace, and I feel he was such a big face for NOD that drove the whole story & mysteries forward.

Nice one, I miss playing those games. Any idea of format?

What do you mean by format? I played it at PAX.

How’d you like it?

It's modern enough but old school. I had barely sampled C&C back in the day (this game, I'm told, is a lot like C&C3), but I played a ton of StarCraft, and the mission they gave on the show floor was definitely great for showing off the unit escalation and rock paper scissors of it all. If you're looking for another one of those, there's a good chance they nailed it. For me, however, I think I'd like to see a different take on the genre, at least for multiplayer. The fog of war would instill a sense of dread in me that no amount of scouting could ever alleviate, and while winning a game of an RTS is super empowering, losing felt so awful that I'm not sure I want to do it again. They're seemingly not changing anything drastic and just making another one of those, which is fine, because there aren't a lot of those. I'm much less interested in playing games with a mouse these days, but somehow this game has full controller support listed on the store page. I know AOE2 got updated with clever controller options, but like I said; they're not rocking the boat with this game, so it's surprising that they somehow have controller inputs working. When I played the demo, it was on a mouse and keyboard.

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Looks interesting. It basically looks like a new C&C, which is a good thing. Apparently they have opened up playtesting according to my Steam, so let's see how things are going

The good guys are even called GDF. Im looking forward to it. Checkout the demo on Steam, it's available to everyone.

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