Federal judge tosses suit against Biden student loan forgiveness plan for long-term borrowers

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 278 points –
Federal judge tosses suit against Biden student loan forgiveness plan for long-term borrowers

A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit brought by two conservative groups intended to halt the Biden administration’s plan to cancel $39 billion in student loans for more than 800,000 borrowers.


Why tf do conservatives hate the students of America? There is little room for the US to compete on the world stage if no one (but nepo-babies) can afford to be educated here.

  1. It is denying the Democrats a win.

  2. Their districts are less educated so it doesn't impact them as much

  3. It gets them redhatter votes

You are right, long term policies like this are going to cripple our ability to compete. At a certain point we won't be able to just depend on a stream of educated immigrants and kids of the super rich.

Edit: you can also read what they claimed in the suit

Adjustment will “extinguish the incentive for nearly a million student-loan borrowers to seek debt forgiveness through PSLF and thus will disadvantage [Plaintiffs] in the market to recruit and retain” borrowers as employees

They won't be able to get workers if workers have less debt. Don't even try to hide it sometimes.

The more people are educated, the less they are conservative.

Because you have to keep the voters uneducated since only stupid people vote Republican.

Because there's 2 types of conservatives, the rich and greedy self centered ass hats who don't need an education. And then the stupid people. They'd be throwing away a part of their base if they allowed them to learn.

CATO backed the suit and their board of directors is about half bankers or former bankers. This isn't even the first time they tried this, back October last year.

They couldn't win in public opinion, they couldn't win by lobbying, so they tried it in court. They failed completely to demonstrate that they had any standing to bring this case.

They also claim to be libertarian. Just something to remember the next time people tell you that there is a difference between the two.

Don't you know? You don't need standing anymore. You only need imaginary hypothetical possible standing.

Or maybe that just applies to wedding website developers. I'm not clear on the case law.

Yeah I admit I don't understand the law very well but it's weird how offended observer no longer counts for church separation laws. That web design event planner was especially interesting since no one gay had actually asked about it. Seems the lawyers just made it up.

It was very strange. Most lawyers expected the supreme court to toss it due to lack of standing. The fact that they didn't means that they're more of a legislative branch now. It's not a good precedent to set.

The New Civil Liberties Alliance is an absolutely garbage non-profit organization.

Where dat bot at?

Beep boop bitch, here's the gist to this jazz:

Biden tried to secure $39 billion for student loan relief and a couple of bitch-ass nonprofits were like, "ouch! Our money!" The judge finally told them to shut the fuck up all like, "damn, you dumbasses weren't even all that injured. Y'all flop more than Tony Parker in a breezy corridor." The judge dismissed their whining without prejudice, which means these sharp-farters could try being little tattling shits again if they can prove real damage. The judge was like, "listen here dick-lips! Even if you could prove you were injured you gotta prove it was because of the loan forgiveness, not just say it was, shit-for-brains."


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I can't shake the feeling that in 10 years, this will be a valid news format. Just one more step towards President Camacho.

I demand a news site where all articles are written in this fashion NOW!! This is solid fucking gold!