Xbox adopts an eight-strike suspension policy | Players who strike out won't be able to use Xbox's social or multiplayer features for an entire year. to – 78 points –
Xbox adopts an eight-strike suspension policy | Engadget

"Alright mister, you misbehave 7 more times and you're done for... for a year... on that account that you're using"

Oh great.... I'm sure this will work perfectly with no issues at all. Like for example a word "French" being censored as a bad word in Age of Empires IV where you can play French so if you want to communicate with people you get censored for no reason...

2 more...

so, how many hundred trillion times in a row does some have to say the n-word to get a strike? I’m betting it’s pretty high…

if MS were serious about making its online spaces safe for anyone but the most toxic, vitriolic bigots, they would have kicked them all off decades ago. but they won’t, not ever, because they value their money far more than they dislike what they have to say or the negative attention it attracts.

Actually disagree, many of these big corps think these people will just go right back to them even if they get kicked off. Can't say too much but used to "tech support" for one of the big 3 in console space and one of the trainers made mention of this with lines like "They always come back". Sad part is, they weren't wrong. It was such a hard time seeing how some accounts can be basically taken away because someone did something at a moment of panic (chargeback) when there was massive credit card fraud happening and everything on that account disappears even thing you properly paid for unless you paid them back. It is a major reason why the shift to digital online release is horrifying on the console space. The PC market has a similar problem but at least to my knowledge Steam only deactivates your ability buy new things and remove the content that is being contested, its not the best solution but its seems "fair"

Far more profitable to screw honest players by being soft on cheaters or people engaging in harassment and the like.