I hope in the future we don't have to clean so many things

bermuda@beehaw.org to Chat@beehaw.org – 70 points –

I know a lot of people have big dreams for the future but personally I just wish we get more things that are self-cleaning. Imagine not having to make the bed. Imagine clothes that you only need to clean once a month. I hate that so much of adult life is spent cleaning over and over again, and that even when you deep clean you know you're gonna have to do it all again.

It sound so childish but I feel like I'd have so much more free time


Permanent fight against chaos

Yeah and the shitty part is if you let things get chaotic it can end up unhygienic. So it ends up not even being just an "aesthetic" thing and moreso a survival thing. Mildew, mold, bacteria, etc. can really fuck you up

Could this future give me glasses that can’t be smudged? If so, sign me up!

Even now, I could design spray and wipers for glasses like a car windshield. It would look awful and spray stuff in your eye sometimes but it would do its purpose!

Sir! We've got an incoming transmission from Elton John! And he's in... 1970! But wait, he's holding something in his hand! It's a 230 year old patent! 🤯

The History of Windshield Wiper Eyewear 👈

That's very interesting!

My patent will be the spray in your eye 'feature'.

That article actually has links to various patents at the bottom, haven't checked if any had that features though 😅

I don't mind cleaning that much but the laundry really gets my goat because I can't just DO it. You get me?

Like, the dishes for example. I do those, or I put them in a dishwasher where they're cleaned and dried and it's just one thing.

With the laundry I have to separate everything so I can't even wash stuff all at the same time. Then it takes two hours for the washing machine to be done and then they're wet. And if I leave them too long in the washing machine they get that mouldy damp smell so I have to wash again. And then there's the drying. Hanging up socks should be illegal, it takes so long and for what?? One wear and then they're back in the laundry basket? Kill me.

Oh now your stuff is dry? Now you have to take it to a secret third place (your wardrobe). It takes so much time and energy to get the washing and drying done that the last part often doesn't get done.

And. It. Never. Ends.

Someone PLEASE invent a wardrobe that does mini loads of laundry and also hangs your clothes to dry but also that doesn't make your home mouldy.

Or even just. A smaller washing machine that operates with a crank and only takes a few turns to wash your clothes so that I don't have to leave it for two hours in a washing machine and forget about it.

I don't think I'm being articulate at all here but whatever. Laundry needs to get its shit together. We live in the future and it still SUCKS.

And with laundry machines there's never a standard. Like dishwashers always work generally the same and most brands will clean about the same. For laundry it's all across the board. The side loaders never clean or dry as good as the top loaders. Some brands take longer than others, or have different options.

Plus I hate that with clothes every type of fabric has a different type of cleaning too and not all laundry machines have those options. Like oh I need this thing washed on cold water on a hand-dry equivalent setting but my machine doesn't have that for cold water and only does it on hot water. Stuff like that. And I hate that even combination washer/dryers never seem to operate at the same time. The dryer always takes longer or the washer might take longer because of different settings. I'd honestly love if they both took like 90 minutes just because it would mean I can do a few loads in quick succession, rather than letting the wash sit there while the dry conitinues for 45 more minutes.

edit: Like if I want to do the dishes, there are some dishes I might need to hand dry but I think all "normal" dishes just go in there and you just turn it on and let it run. I never need any special settings and I don't need to transfer to another machine because my dishwasher does some drying.

I just try to buy clothes that can take the abuse. Once the bright colors get washed a few times, everything goes in together. Whites get bleached in their own cycle on occasion. It’s worked out goods enough.

This just isn’t where I’m willing to dedicate my time and energy.

Cleaning has always been a good enough type activity… I try to hold back a bit, or I’d be on everything with a tooth brush getting it perfect.

I don't have a dishwasher. I haaaaate doing dishes.

^Pssst,^ ^hey.^

*Opens Jacket

^Wanna^ ^buy^ ^some^ ^Soylent?^

Yeah my last place I lived didn't have one and it was such a chore. My new place has one and it's really nice but it still sucks with how long it takes. I haven't timed it but it's like 2 hours even on the quick option

Stop matching up socks and just throw them in a drawer when they're dry. I just buy the same socks so I don't even have to look for pairs.

I have a few pairs like this but some are newer than others and I hate matching an older one with a newer one bc I can feel the difference in stretchiness 🫠

Hi, and welcome to the future. San Dimas, California, 2688. And I'm telling you, everything is great. The air is clean, the water is clean. Even the dirt... is clean!

- Rufus, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

I totally get you! I really wish this too. It is actually slowly happening over time already in my opinion, with washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners etc being invented and made better (like roombas that do vacuuming themselves). Wish we could spend up that process a bit. However: you don't need to make the bed to stay clean out hygienic. It's actually better you leave it messy to air out! So, good news?

ACKSHUALLY dishwashers haven't changed much since they were invented.. I feel the same can be said about any other home appliance, but I don't know. Just a feeling.

I did mean the fact that we have those appliances, incl. Dishwashers now compared to before they were invented. Especially the invention of the washing machine and it's spread lifted so much work of (mostly women's) shoulders.its amazing.

If you don't like doing dishes, look into Soylent. You'll just have to clean the cup you mix it in, the thing you mix it with (I use a rechargeable milk frother) and sometimes the bowl you measure it in.

If you don't like doing dishes and want to live off of nutrient paste

It's not that bad. For some reason, having to make a decision about what to eat for lunch was really stressful for me. Now I just do soylent and forget about it. (Now I just stress over what to eat for dinner...)

i started with a huel subscription because i was wary about soy but i never really liked the huel.

holy smokes the soylent is DELICIOUS and DRINKABLE and actually cheaper! it's great. i just started my subscription a week or 2 ago and like... i am head over heels. i've decided to get around half (or more) of my rda from soylent.

for dinner, i usually eat freezer/refrigerator burritos. i don't mean it's all i eat. i mean it's a staple i eat maybe 3 times a week. still basically no cleanup from that. i started that a couple months before i gave up on huel.

so bean burritos and fortified bean slurry is about 3/4 of my diet now and i love it. then i just eat convenience foods or actually commit to whipping up something gourmet.