Insight: Conservative think tank emerges as force behind DeSantis campaign to – 158 points –
Insight: Conservative think tank emerges as force behind DeSantis campaign

It would have been more newsworthy if he wasn’t being backed by a conservative think tank.

And I wouldn't exactly call it a force with the way his campaign is going.

I think the surprise really is that there's a group of people directing his campaign, and it's not just him yelling random thoughts through the bathroom door.

But force does describe his policy positions as in "we're going to force you to do what we want."

The heritage foundation is literally the Legion of Doom

Founded in 1973. It's not a coincidence that we started to see establishment pushback organizations popping up in this time frame. Because in the 60s, people of color started voting en masse after generations of systematic suppression. The civil rights movement empowered them to express their political views like never before. The word "Heritage" in this context means "white people." When they say "traditional American values," they mean "no gays or mixing of the races." When they say "limited government," they mean "weak regulation." When they say "individual freedom," they mean "freedom from consequences," specifically for white males. When they say "the war on drugs," they mean "the war on black people and liberals." And so on. They're speaking in code, and their very name is a code. But it's easily cracked if you've been paying attention.

While I can definitely see Lex Luther being a conservative, I think he would hate the GOP because while he's a bad guy, he took a pro-human stance against aliens like Superman and wouldn't give a shit about wokeness.

I think he's tanking alright.

Or is he tanking alt-right?

He’ll be the top worst option when/if Trump goes to prison

You're assuming Trump won't win the election from prison.

That'd be hilarious as that what the alt-right claimed happened with Biden. That he was secretly in prison for his 'crimes' but it was decorated to look like the White House.

Unsurprisingly it is the Heritage Foundation. Didn't they back JEB?

They need to think harder and back someone else.

Why, they already follow me someone who perfectly supports them.