Joe Biden’s DOJ Is Claiming “There Is No Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate” to Not The – 17 points –
Joe Biden’s DOJ Is Claiming “There Is No Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate”

In the same week large swaths of the US were under extreme heat warnings, Joe Biden’s Justice Department filed its most recent motion to dismiss a landmark climate case by arguing that nothing in the Constitution guarantees the right to a secure climate.


There isn't. That doesn't mean that this isn't a noble cause, but come on. There's no point in using the Constitution as the deciding factor of all that is good.

Americans are utterly obsessed with their constitution. They treat it like a holy book, despite (and perhaps sometimes because of) the fact that it's pretty much impossible to convince enough people to change these days, despite it also needing changes.

The Constitution also explicitly states that we have rights not enumerated in the Constitution.

I doesn't

Who thinks it does? What a silly idea

Correct, the constitution does not literally call out the right to a stable climate, however it's kinda hard to make good on any other constitutional right if populations being culled by extreme heat becomes the new worldwide norm.

Did they even track and measure weather anywhere close to what we have now?

Following centuries old doctorines is still weird to me

It's the basis of law and order. You can't just do whatever you want, that's a dictatorship.

I’m not arguing for anarchy haha

I’m just saying that it’s not modified more/restructured/etc

Seems like governmental philosophizing (surely there’s a term for this) has gone stale these days.

The Constitution defines the government and sets its limits. If you're looking for anything more than that, you're going to be disappointed.

Breaking news: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness does not include a right to a liveable environment.

(yes I know this is from the DOI, not the constitution, and has no legal force)