soundtrack rule to – 358 points –

But why do big work when little work do trick

Because composers are artists and (I imagine) making art is not like a regular job. I know I would put a lot more effort into my job if I had to create something that people will enjoy experiencing and remember for a long time instead of spending all day sending e-mails and filling spreadsheets.

making art is not like a regular job

Working as an artist still has deadlines, requires working within constraints, and you have to negotiate with clients and suppliers.

Unless you don't need to sell your art for a living, then yeah, you can do whatever you want. But that applies to any activity.

Honestly, I disagree with this. Some soundtracks should "go hard", like Doom, Jet Set Radio, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, ULTRAKILL, etc.

SimCity does not need a soundtrack that goes hard, nor does The Sims. If anything, a soundtrack that "goes hard" would distract from the gameplay. SimCity doesn't need a soundtrack that makes you wanna dance or rage. It needs a soundtrack that makes you relaxed. You're here to run a city, not destroy it, even if most people do that anyway.

I'm at my job now. I don't think this counts as "going hard"

My kid and I both agree: the soundtrack was the one reason we absolutely hated "Yoshi's Crafted World" by the end of it.