Asus only cut the PC department in July, and now the commercial department is also going to be cut (Asus Zenfone 10 is their last phone) to – 268 points –
華碩 7 月才砍 PC 部門,現在商用部門也要被砍了

Here is the English translation

In June, ASUS announced to employees through an internal letter that it would carry out an organizational reorganization, and although ASUS repeatedly stressed that it was not going to lay off employees, in July it cut the staff of the PC department, affecting the employees in Taiwan and Suzhou, China. However, ASUS's layoffs have not slowed down, and now an informed source revealed to the "Science and Technology News" that "this afternoon, some units in the commercial sector were called downstairs one after another, and the units including engineers and procurement were directly cut in half."

According to the initial ASUS internal letter, the commercial computer team planned and went to the mobile phone product department; People familiar with the matter pointed out that some talents have just been merged into mobile phone units, but they have been laid off; Originally, ASUS stated that after the organizational reorganization, the human resources association had internal matchmaking vacancies, but in fact, human resources did not want to match for these employees, and had to find internal vacancies by themselves.

As for why some employees were merged into mobile phone units, but then laid off? The person familiar with the matter pointed out that the Asus mobile phone has two series, ROG and Zenfone, but now the latest Zenfone 10 will be the last generation of this series, and the Zenfone team will be merged into other departments in the future, or directly into the ROG team.

It is understood that this wave of commercial sector employees who were laid off by ASUS will be until next month.

Here is more context ASUS layoffs, commercial team/smartphone division merger, esports consolidation and personal computer team

Best case is that they mean the Zenfone line is dead and the rog still lives. But even then that still hurts.


On one hand it’s sad to see all these people laid off for Asus’s failures.

But on the other hand I saw this coming miles away. You can’t just sell mobos that kill expensive processors, and provide a warranty breaking solution. (which didn’t work btw) And then be surprised that people are upset with you for basically trapping them with losses and a broken product.

Asus did this to themselves, and it’s a shame their employees take the hit for what was clearly a failure in management.

I can't imagine a single cpu problem would cause them to lay off half their cpu and phone division

If anything it would probably cause more problems to happen in the future

maybe they have been cost cutting for a while, and we're only seeing the consequences now.

that is exactly what that whole motherboard fiasco looked like to me, not wanting to spend the money to properly engineer and test it.

Was Asus the only one with issues? I know theirs was the most egregious, and then their "solution" was a kick in the balls

That was partly AMD's fault too. Steve tested a Gigabyte (IIRC) board too, but the others were able to save themselves somewhat and needed more abuse to fail. The ASUS ones had problems on top of problems.

First in pcmr community all asus products costs 20% expensive than other brands. People call it asus tax.

Second they had rough start killing amd cpus by over volting those cpu.

Third their z690 board never came with bios flashback so people didn't considered their boards when intel 13th gen came.

Their quality never improved remained same like other manufacturer while costly way higher why would someone buy their products if not a fanboi

9 more...

Me: "Maybe next year's zenphone will finally check all of my boxes and I can break free from the giant phone universe."

ASUS: "Hold my beer."

They cut their PC division too? What the hell are they planning to sell, then?

Cut staff, not the whole division. The headline is somewhat misleading.

Their merging their design teams in Taiwan. But laying off their production teams in China.

Welp. That sucks dogshit :(

Guess its good the zenphone 10 at least came out before this happened, but its frustrating I won't have them as an option in the future :(

Damn. Sounds like another LG situation for a phone division. That sucks.

Because it is, since the manufacturing cost is too high

Is it the same situation? I'm only worried because they merged with ROG phone division, but they should still be making phones no?

Also, are you the same guy from the Android subreddit?

My understanding is the production lines are being shut down and design teams have been merged. I would assume the same thing would happen to rog phone even though it's the ROG team that makes it.

I'm not the same guy who posted the article on the Android subreddit. But I do tend to the mega threads there and on c/android,

I meant did you use the same username here

Edit: coz I recognise the turtle. Also, I haven't visited reddit since third party apps stopped working


I only post on reddit because I'm allowed to post the lemmy links of the same posts. I use reddit a lot less now as well.

I was actually strongly considering a zenphone 10 until this announcement. Now I'm wary that the already-short software support will be even shorter.

If they're still working on ROG Phones, then they'll still have the software engineers to put out software updates for the Zenfones.

It does suck that they seem to be killing the Zenfone line right when it got really good though.

Probably like LG. They would have a skeleton crew doing the updates that they promised already.


Oh thank goodness my PC mobo is a gigabyte.

Crazy to think gigabyte was the bane of everyone's existence just a few years ago.

Did they get better? My view of them is still pretty shit. I got a b660m ds3h motherboard which apparently has heating issues so I can't upgrade to higher power cpu in future. And the whole psu fiasco as well. Probably never gonna buy a gigabyte again.

DID they get better or has everyone just gotten worse and they just look better in comparison? ASUS used to be my go-to and now I just feel bleh.

What happened a few years ago? I forgot. My last two PC builds were from Gigabyte, really been happy with them.

I remember that gigabyte more or less made really crappy GPUs (Vega only)/mobos during the Vega era