Trump campaign raises $7.1 million in fundraising since mugshot was taken Thursday, Fox News confirms to politics – 58 points –
Trump campaign raises $7.1 million in fundraising since mugshot was taken Thursday, Fox News confirms

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Man I wish that I had no soul. By that I mean morals and/or values. It seems like it would be so easy to fleece these dumb asses, but I just don't think I could live with myself if I started acting like that.

Honestly every day I start thinking about preying on the dumb and wealthy. Just, ya know. Not slimy.

Like setup a "pro life" fund that is actually just pro saving lives and has nothing to do with abortion whatsoever (except where it saves lives)

You would be siphoning money from going to where it would cause damage. You could forward that money with a place that does actual good. Make sure that the fine print of starting your nonprofit gives you the legal power to do that, select the nonprofit to send it to with care, and you are good to go.

Trump and Sanders were able to grow a huge grassroots movement for a reason, what they speak about gets the working class going.

One is backed by progressives the other by fascists. One is for the people, the other rapes them. One is pro democracy, the other is a wannabe dictator.

Other than they both raised money, that's about where the similarities end.

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Ah, yes, the things trump speaks about.

Including, but not limited to

Pussy grabbing

Nuking hurricanes

Injecting ...bleach?

How much he loves the uneducated demographic.

How much better he is than everyone at everything despite no formal accredations.

All he's missing is trucks, beer, hunting, and Jesus, and we have a working class hero, I guess?

His underlying message is racism. Sadly there is still a lot of deep seeded racism in this country and he gives racists an outlet.

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"Anvils and parachutes affect gravity grab one after jumping off a cliff"

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A fascist and their money are soon parted

-mark Twain possibly

Well he’s gonna need every penny trying to stay out of jail.

I say take that money out of donors’ hands and put them to work paying fees and fines, I don’t have a single tear to shed for those idiots losing their money.

Trump and Sanders were able to grow a huge grassroots movement for a reason, what they speak about gets the working class going.

Trump is growing with black voters.

edit: words

Also one is actual votes vs a poll I'd remind you which matters but your type doesn't seem to believe in votes either

Uh oh not indictmen!

People in "the hood".

Yes this speaker totally has valuable conversation

Hahahah, oh wait, you’re serious, let me laugh harder HAHAHAH

More Fox sources. Totally trustworthy.

"Fox News confirms" is not a confirmation that we can believe, anymore. Trump likely made his PAC some money, but who knows how much. Every thing Trump releases is inflated or BS.

Mmm yes, give your money to the "billionaire". Fools and their money and all that.