US shouldn’t preach morality to Israel, Smotrich says, backing Ben-Gvir to World – 34 points –
US shouldn’t preach morality to Israel, Smotrich says, backing Ben-Gvir

The United States is in no position to go after Israel on human rights issues given how its army acted in Iraq and Afghanistan, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich (Religious Zionist Party) said.


He’s not wrong, but that doesn’t give him the moral high ground he thinks it does. He’s still a racist piece of shit.

Ben-Gvir said:

My right and that of my wife and my children, to travel on the roads in Judea and Samaria, is more important than the freedom of movement for Arabs.

White people > brown people, yada yada yada.

Mizrachim (MidEast Jews) vote overwhelmingly right-wing and arguably hate Arabs more than white Jews (Ashkenazim) because they lost everything when they were expelled from Arab lands. This is a Israeli v Arab conflict, not White vs Colored. Please leave your American-centered viewpoints at the door.

Yep. Zionism is religious nationalism.

Of course most zionists are going to be right-wing nutjobs.

There are over 6 million Jews living in Israel today. The vast majority are going to be Zionists because they support the idea of an independent Jewish/Israeli state. Most of them are not right-wing nutjobs. In fact, millions have come out to protest Bibi and the right wing govt right now. And your comment discredits the long, liberal history in Israeli politics.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

They are religious nationalists, which is inherently a right-wing nutjob ideal.

Zionism is religious nationalism. Plain and simple.

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Yeah, no. You're just mad I'm saying things you don't like. Admit it.

Most Israelis are secular, they are not religious. Datim and Charedim only make up ~22% of Israeli Jews. Why make bold claims about topics you know nothing about?

The $150,000,000,000 we waste on that terrorist state every year gives us the authority to preach about morality.

We need to cut that aid, spending it on our own people, and then let Israel argue about morality with their Arab neighbors.

Why is the US still giving Israel money?

One big reason is that anyone who tries to criticize the excessive amount of taxpayer dollars sent over there is immediately shouted down and labeled an anti-Semite. We can’t have a constructive debate if people are unwilling to be honest or argue in good faith.

Israel’s unique religiosity doesn’t give it a pass (or shouldn’t).

If everybody who is critical of the Israeli government is called an anti-semite the term loses its meaning and gets diluted. It's such a dumb tactic.

Because there's a sizable contingent of the electorate which is fanatically in favor of giving Israel aid, mainly for religious reasons, and the opposition to that aid is much more tepid and/or less numerous.

Because they're considered the main ally in the middle east for control of the region. The other two options would be Jordan and Saudi. Mostly everywhere else is too unstable.

I think the tons of money, weapons and intel we give them gives us the right to make certain demands, hypocritical or not. Careful snapping at the hand that feeds….

These clowns are the reason why 9/11 and the two subsequent wars happened. The Arab world hates us for our support for Israel. Helping create the state of Israel has been an economic and political disaster for the West. Not to mention all the lives lost. Fuck this guy.

Well, Israel is not in a strong position on that behalf, either.

I am a dumb American here (and yes I should look this up) but was the USA in all of these instances at war with these countries where as I dont recall Israel being at war with country. Seems that should be a hell of a delimiter on when you are committing war crimes with your standing military.

Hey fellow American. Yeah, sorry, we didn't declare war as legally defined when we went over there. You shoulda probably checked.

was it one of those dumb police actions again? Iraq we did, I just assumed they did the same with Afghanistan. Thank you for educating me.