Nostr: A Decentralized Messaging Protocol to – 15 points –

Is this the site that sounds good, but is just full of crypto nerds?

The overlap between crypto nerds and tech early adopters is pretty high

The article about it is certainly chock way the fuck full of buzzwords, but did little in the way of instilling in me any desire to actually use the thing... Also, where in the fuck are people coming up with these names nowadays? "Mastodon?Nostr?" What cumbersome, awkward bullshit.

Crypto shit 🤣

Seriously…this is a perfect example of a product that doesn’t need payments. What the fuck were they thinking. The lightning network is a steaming pile of shit

Paying for posts, relays is better incentive alignment for users and maintainers than twitter or the fediverse

"incentive alignment" fucking lol.

People cant have shit if it doesnt cost money in crypto bro land.

Nobody will host our verbal outbursts for free. It's either your money or your soul. Go money!

Can we not create yet another protocol to do basically the same things as everything else but not quite the same?

I don't really care if eventually we all use activitypub, or whatever bluesky is, or something completely different.. but there's little point in having hundreds of 'decentralised' protocols that don't talk to each other.

I believe that cryptography and decentralization beats federalization and ICANN domain names as an end goal to a more decentralized internet. There's already bridges between activity pub and nostr and they seem to play nice together. I can imagine a world in which it's almost seamless between two or three decentralized & federated protocols.

And to those that are upset that a few relays ask for or require crypto transactions, keep in mind that some mastodon/lemmy/activity pub servers demand payment and I'd be hard pressed to find one that doesn't accepted crypto donations.