Air Canada kicks off passengers who refused vomit-smeared seats to World – 128 points –
Air Canada kicks off passengers who refused vomit-smeared seats

Seems like there should be an Osha violation or something about this. That's a health hazard and while I understand there's limited seating, it should be the plane's responsibility to compensate the passengers for expecting them to sit in biohazardous filth, instead they just threatened them with being put on a no-fly list unless they got off the plane of their own volition with likely no compensation.

Although OHSA only protects workers so I don't think that would apply here.

I mean, it would be in the US where OSHA is a real thing, cause OSHA is in the US, but in Canada which is, iirc, not a part of the US....

They definitely convinced me to add Air Canada to my fuck airline list.

I don't think there are any airlines that aren't on my no-fly list at this point. (Actually decided to do a rather long drive for this years vacation between the cost of air travel, and the nonsense)

Welcome. There are dozens of us!

I drive if it's less than 14 hours, but as I get older that may start to change.

Longest drive I've done was 18 hours (Philly to Orlando). Did that one a few times years ago when my wife would share the driving. Now she doesn't drive so we've been stopping to sleep around the halfway point. Did the auto-train once. I liked it, but my wife didn't.

We figured just renting a car at our destination would pay for the entire trip (gas, hotels etc) and then flights on top of that (and airport parking etc)

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Air Canada has apologised after kicking two passengers off a flight for refusing to sit in vomit-smeared seats.

Susan Benson, who was on the Las Vegas-Montreal service, said the pilot warned the passengers they would be put on a no-fly list if they kept complaining.

She added that staff had tried to cover "a bit of a foul smell" with perfume and coffee grounds.

"We didn't know at first what the problem was," Ms Benson posted on Facebook of the flight late last month.

The passengers were told "they could leave the planeā€¦ and organise flights on their own dime, or they would be escorted off by security and placed on a no-fly list!"

Air Canada said it was "reviewing this serious matter" and that "operating procedures were not followed correctly in this instance".

The original article contains 241 words, the summary contains 134 words. Saved 44%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

She added that staff had tried to cover "a bit of a foul smell" with perfume and coffee grounds.

This ā€œcovering upā€ makes it all sound so sinister. The poor flight crew had to clean up someoneā€™s puke and they did the best they could with available materials. They failed, but their attempt shouldnā€™t be cast as some kind of furtive effort to sweep the truth under a rug.