GOP threat to impeach a Wisconsin Supreme Court justice is driven by fear of losing legislative edge to politics – 278 points –
Threat to impeach justice driven by fear of losing legislative edge

Is it me or did impeach change from "breaking the law" to "I don't like your opinion so I'm going to get you fired?"

Yup, that switch was in 1998.

But what does The Undertaker throwing Mankind off of hell in a cell have to do with it? /S

Seriously though for anyone not following along at home - 1998 was the Clinton impeachment, Monica Lewinsky hearings, etc.

Yeah read it trying to find what happens and it’s just cause she stopped the gerrymandering

She didn’t stop it. She hasn’t heard a single case; but she did express an opinion on gerrymandering being bad, which likely got her elected, and refuses to recuse herself from cases on it. Basically the state republicans want to call it a conflict of interest, and then impeach; even though the bench (conservative majority at the time) wrote rules specifically to stop them needing to recuse in this way, several years back.

What’s worse is under WI they don’t need to actually have a trial to cause havoc. All they need to do is start a proceeding; then wait. She’ll be suspended from adjudicating at that point AND the governor can’t nominate a replacement.

Total, unashamed, politick. Imagine being this afraid of black voters in 2023.

Jesus Christ is so much worse. Wtf is wrong with that party.

And in the case of this state Supreme Court Justice, it's not even "get you fired." Republicans know that their firing effort will fail, but until the state Senate holds the hearing the Justice isn't allowed to rule on cases.

So Republicans aren't even firing this justice, but putting her in limbo until the cases that the Republicans want are decided. Only after those cases are decided in the Republicans' favor will they drop the impeachment charges.

Of course, if this is successful, all they need to do is impeach justices to ensure favorable results any time a case comes up that threatens Republican power. Impeach enough left leaning justices and the Republicans could even ensure a hard right verdict.

That’s the neat part; when you control the legislature, you can make your own laws.

More like “you won’t let me break the law so I’m going to get you fired or face fraudulent criminal charges for doing your job”

Everything Republicans do is driven by the fear of, jealousy of, or desire to get power.

I call it the three S system of republicanism. Scared, stupid or selfish. You don't need to be all three, but you're certainly one of them.

Through algebraic reduction, you can just use the term “shit.”

Lowest common denominator.

shit has more uses though. kinda mean to compare shit to whatever they are..

So how can we counter this? Can we as citizens mass sue the Republicans instead, thus holding them up in court before she is held up? We need her to fix the maps before 2024.