Someone should make and extension that grabs what you post on reddit and sends it here to Lemmy.World – 45 points –

I'm not sure how authentication works for Lemmy, but you could just grab de new post form and send it to Lemmy, to an existing community or creating on with the same subreddit name


The irony of this post is the fact that Reddit’s new API policy will literally make such an extension pointless starting in July. People should just….not post on Reddit…

The browser extension doesn't need reddit API access, it just needs Lemmy API access

It would grab the reddit submission page html data

You could, but the API for Reddit won't work in two weeks... and tbh I like the fact we're building something new here

I thought about writing a bot that grabs the RSS feed of a subreddit (no API needed) and posts new entries to matching communities on lemmy. Code examples are readily available for lemmy bots.

But somehow it feels wrong. It's like some kind of fake engagement on lemmy. The communities should grow organically - not by copying Reddit.

I'm not going to stay here if there wont be reliable news feeds for my interest on here.

Are you going to actually engage with bots, though?

The solution is not to mirror Reddit, but to have actual people actually post shit here.

Maybe make a separate instance or community/mag for reddit repost, like unreddit or something.

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A lot of the best Reddit users (imho) already migrated, and a good chunk more will come in after the 30th. The migration process itself is acting as a great crap filter. I respect your opinions, but I strongly disagree... If Lemmy gets overrun by shitty, stale Reddit humor and reposts and low-effort, scraped posts, I'm outta here. I'm enjoying the atmosphere here a great deal, and the mass archive of content will come with time. Lemmy doesn't need to be a mirror of Reddit spiraling into a whirlpool of crap, IMHO.

Reddit was quite bearable once you left the main subs and went to the niche stuff.
If this here gets big enough it will become like this as well i guess.

You can’t really keep a foot in two shoes. Commit to one platform and post only three.

Sure just set up a bot to grab every new post from the API and -- oh wait.

Or the other way around, cross post from the main platform (lemmy, kbin) to reddirt.

This also makes the new platform more visible on the sinking ship.

Por que no los dos?

I mean you can, but I would rather advertise for the better platform (by linking to it) than for the worse.

More content in here is a good thing though. Each decides for their own, I just shared my thoughts.

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What would be even better is to download all reddit and repost it on lemmy as until the end of the month the API does not have limit, right ? :D