How is it that we hate the taste of coffe and still drink it?

Dr. to No Stupid – -11 points –

I hate the taste of coffee so I don't drink it. Why are you drinking something you don't like?

I eat guacamole and avocados every now and then even though I don't like either. I think it's important to repeatedly try things that I otherwise don't like. It's how I've come to love blue cheese and coffee.

I don't know, boost energy? Though woth that logic, it's a lie since I don't feel anything after.

If you just want the caffeine you could just take a pill.

The taste of coffee varies a lot. Instant coffee tastes bad to me, but grinding my own coffee beans and making it fresh with a little bit of cream is amazing.

I happily drink instant coffee. I even prefer it to something like Starbucks coffee.

It seems taste buds vary a lot too. 😅

my mom only drank instant coffee while i grew up and hated drip coffee. i had some of her coffee here and there wondering what the taste was like, and really hated it until the first time I had some drip coffee. still drink it to this day and cannot stand instant.

Who's this "we?"

I love the taste of coffee. That's why I drink it.

Who is we ?

I agree, there is tons of badly made coffee like the automatic vending machinc, or the Americanfast food burning hot coffee served in half a litre buckets.

But a decent blend done with an expresso machine or at least a moka machinc would be delicious

I thought you meant the taste of roasted beans. Turns out you actually meant coffee. I don't understand why you drink something you hate

My coffee also tastes fine. I probably drink as much as Captain Janeway does.

I like a good coffee, can taste wonderfully.

However, a bad coffee is just pure liquid shit.

The best taste you get out of that is the equivalent of liquid cardboard with tons of sugar.

drop me a message if you around Budapest and I show you some good coffee ;)