Rule to – 281 points –

I didn't used to understand why old people were always complaining about "kids these days", but now I think I'm starting to get it.

As an old guy, having Urban Dictionary or google is a game changer. I don’t pretend I’ll ever be relevant again but it’s nice not being ignorant.

The kids are alright

Yeah, Gen Z generally has good politics and seem like good kids, so I couldn't care less that they have silly slang. We had our own dumb slang our parents hated, too. If they can all understand each other clearly, what's the problem? Access to Urban Dictionary indeed is a game changer. I doubt all of them talk like this in a work environment, as well. So let them be themselves when they're not at work.

I don't get where that idea comes from, that how people talk with friends is how they would do in a work environment. That'd be weird. (I'm 18)

Does this come with that ballin whistle that gets you free long distance calls