Uttar Pradesh : 13 year old Teen rape survivor raped again in police station, SHO arrested

ruford1976@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to World News@lemmy.world – 405 points –
Teenaged rape survivor raped again in UP police station, SHO arrested

Some parts of the world needs a huge me too movement, something like a major complete revolution.

India has already had several MeToo-like movements (comparable in size and scope). Some people are even starting to turn to violence out of sheer desperation.

The problem there isn't what goes on behind closed doors. They don't even need to close the doors. They can do their shit in public and the only thing that will get anything done is nationwide protests, much like US cop killings against BMEs.

I fear you are right and that a revolution will be what finally tips the scales.

Do Indians not have fathers? I would be out for blood if someone raped my daughter, doesn't matter if she is a full grown adult. I would be taking vengeance into my own hands.

It's worse. There are cases of fathers preforming honor killings of the raped daughter.

In India, women are often blamed for any sexual assault they endure, at a systemic level. Cops will arrest you if you report it, and your father might well take vengeance into their own hands...against you, the victim.

The most likely person to rape a child is the father, followed by the brother, followed by the uncle/cousin/family friend.

Another peaceful revolution like the one from Mahatma Gandhi would be the best.

Why would that be best?

hummm... You do know who this guy is for India and this problem now is in that country right ?
I like non-violent revolutions. What's on your mind ? Am I missing something ?

Just wondering why you liking non-violent revolutions implies that this would be best for India. What's your reasoning behind that ?

I don't have an expertise in this domain and it's more a hope based on past history.
So, no more comments here from me.

Do you have something better ? if no, we will leave it at this.

Not in particular, just want to be making sure we're all thinking critically rather than merely parroting middle school history

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There are some sick people in this world.

I don't usually advocate for violence as a means of justice, especially with how overboard some people can go, but holy shit this guy needs to go to sleep and not wake up.

How does a rape victim get raped again in the police station? And a child at that? This is too horrible. Fuck this. I had enough internet for today.

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Uttar pradesh and lemmygrad have one thing in common. How easy it is to recognize them reliably.