The police chief who led a raid of a small Kansas newspaper has been suspended to – 579 points –
The police chief who led a raid of a small Kansas newspaper has been suspended

The police chief who led a highly criticized raid of a small Kansas newspaper has been suspended, the mayor confirmed to The Associated Press on Saturday.

Marion Mayor Dave Mayfield in a text said he suspended Chief Gideon Cody on Thursday. He declined to discuss his decision further and did not say whether Cody was still being paid.

Voice messages and emails from the AP seeking comment from Cody’s lawyers were not immediately returned Saturday.

The Aug. 11 searches of the Marion County Record’s office and the homes of its publisher and a City Council member have been sharply criticized, putting Marion at the center of a debate over the press protections offered by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


suspended? lol, this is the united states of godamn fucking america here, dude interfered directly with gestapo tactics against freedom of the press, he should be fired, and brought up on criminal charges, right fucking meow

Yup. This is the US. Which is why he’ll be back at work inside of a month

If we're really lucky he'll be turned to resign.

...and take a pay raise at a bigger department the next county over.

He declined to discuss his decision further and did not say whether Cody was still being paid.

So yes, he was being rewarded with paid vacation.

I wish my work would suspend me with pay.

All you got to do is get a job in the public sector that has unions, then do something remarkably stupid and you're on easy street.

Honest question, what structures or authorities exist outside of the city level to investigate something like this? Is it all down to what the mayor decides, or can the Kansas governor or state patrol launch an investigation? What about federal agencies like the FBI?

I could be misremembering, but from the original story it sounded like the mayor was likely tied up in the motivation for the original raid. Not surprising for a small town, really. Once you get down to a few hundred people, there's only so many businesses and families to go around.

The Kansas Bureau of Investigation is supposedly investigating the situation, but there have been conflicting reports of what they consider to be within the scope of their investigation.

Eh, small town, metro, I’m more likely to be surprised at little to no corruption, well heeled.

The Aug. 11 searches of the Marion County Record’s office and the homes of its publisher and a City Council member have been sharply criticized, putting Marion at the center of a debate over the press protections offered by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

I'm not aware of any "debate". Everyone seems to be on the same page that this was an egregious abuse of power and a clear violation of Constitutional rights.

"Suspended" on a short rope from a long distance above?