How do you organize your inventory in video games? to – 26 points –

It's always the same pattern: After a few hours I decide to sort everything because it runs out of control but then I never do it again so it's getting worse than before.

When playing RuneScape like 10 years ago I sorted my bank by item color. Once I started pressing the button to deposit everything at once (because it felt soooo easy) it looked like it was sorted by color but it was significantly worse, since the items I used the most were always somewhere I didn't expect them.

Small chest size is literally the only reason why I don't like playing Valheim. Factorio was the worst game so far. My factory worked but it was a diabolic mess that relied on me, sometimes refilling some random chests manually.


It depends on the game, the inventory and what I am doing.


mining: torch in off hand, food on far left slot followed by pickaxe and blocks to fill in holes left behind by mining ores and fixing the mining tunnel as I bore through caves etc.

chests: gems, lapis, ancient debris/netherite, gold, iron, netherite and diamond tools in chest one, food in chest two, saplings, wood, sticks and bamboo chest three. Dirt, sand, gravel in chest 4. Cobble, deepslate and stone based blocks chest 5. miscellaneous chest 6+

exploration: torches in off hand, food, axe, pickaxe in hot bar

Last day on earth dumb mobile game: weapon, back up weapon, food or healing items

Speaking of the Minecraft hotbar:

  1. Pickaxe
  2. Shovel
  3. Block
  4. Hoe
  5. Axe
  6. Block
  7. Bow
  8. Torch
  9. Sword

(if anything isn't present, it's usually replaced with a block or other item)

Does it make sense? Not really. Does it make building with more than a few blocks a pain? Yes. Will I still do it? Absolutely.
Modded items can help. Like the paxel, which combines the pickaxe/axe/shovel into one tool. That frees up some space for extra modded tools like wrenches and the like.

At least there is a decent chest size in Minecraft. But with some mods installed there are tons of additional items so I always had to install Storage Network.

Refined Storage is a fun storage mod, I'd recommend trying it if you haven't already!

If you want bigger Factorio chests, consider the Warehouse mod, you can fit an ungodly amount of items in those.

You're playing factorio wrong. After the very early game you should barely even be using chests (until trains where they are used as a buffering system).

As a classic wow enjoyer Im limed to ~100 slots of bag space. Stuff that says with me and will never get sold or deposited goes at the top of the bag where it'll never move. Usually goes by hearthstone, class items, consumes, specialized gear, followed by quest items. The items I pickup along the way go under that. While questing I'll pick out the things to either keep or sell and move it to the bottom of the bag. This includes materials and valuable items. All the junk stays in the middle and gets sold to the next vendor I cross.

Depends on the game, but I usually sort my player inventories by item purpose. Items that never leave the inventory (quest items, alternative gear, etc) at the top, then potions/food, then ammunition, then whatever random loot I'm picking up.

As far as Valheim goes, I actually really enjoy building highly organized dedicated storage rooms with for all my loot. My brain makes the good chemicals when I go into the storage closet and see my neatly labeled chests (now why won't it do that in real life?). It's worth noting that the chest size issue gets much, much better further on in the game. You go from 10 items per chest to 24 when you get access to iron, and 32 with black metal.

I don't put too much time into it. I simply dedicate chests/lockers to food, gear, and resources. But I don't usually try to organize types of each item, for example;

  • Seeds usually ends up in both resources and food containers
  • Health kits usually go in gear, but can end up mixed in with resources and in rare cases, food containers
  • Raw resources and crafted materials go in the same containers
  • Power sources and lights end up in both gear and resource containers, but I usually keep them in gear containers