iPhone 15 Pro Max vs S23 Ultra - Heavy Workload Test (Speed, Battery & Thermals) - YouTube

notenoughbutter@lemmy.ml to Android@lemdro.id – 64 points –
iPhone 15 Pro Max vs S23 Ultra - Heavy Workload Test (Speed, Battery & Thermals)

tl;dr- s23 ultra with snapdragon 8 gen 2 performed much better under heavy load than the 3nm a17 pro on iphone 15 pm

which shows -

  1. node size is useless as a17 pro was more inefficient
  2. android apps are also optimised, sometimes better than iOS
  3. bechmark scores are useless

On the benchmark note, keep in mind that this test depends greatly on GPU performance also whereas geekbench is testing the CPU. Snapdragon has been doing a fantastic job on the GPU front.

Interesting results. Wonder how much would change after further software updates on the iphone. 15 pro seems to have had a poor optimization. If they had taken this video a week or so ago, it would have been considerably worse.

This might be a limitation of their overall chip design. It's meant to have a lot more power, but also to throttle more quickly. The A17 does this to a greater extent than the A16 (see RE: Village performance).

The 15 Pro issues are believed to be caused by compromised thermal design.

Apple claims the heat issues with the 15 Pro stem from poorly optimized code and will be resolved through OS and third-party app updates. But if the thermal engineering truly is the culprit, then they are dealing with a fundamental hardware flaw.

And if addressing the heat issue is their goal, there is only so much they can do in terms of software optimization. Unless they get very lucky and strike gold in terms of finding and correcting poor code, they will likely need to make performance worse to achieve the desired result.

The higher brightness is a big plus on the Samsung... no point in having processing power if the display is too dim to see.

What a weird take. You're acting like everyone is power using their phone on the surface of the sun only.

It’s just fundamentally better to see more information than less.

Bring back the Note, you cowards....

I have an S23 Ultra and my wife has a Note 20 Ultra. Both have S-Pens and look nearly identical and had nearly identical MSRPs. The S23 Ultra is effectively an up-to-date Note.