Irulic to – 465 points –

The city doesn't want to actually prevent kids from rough sleeping, just market itself as if it is doing so.

It's corporate virtue signaling to encourage us not to think about the horrific consequences of the systems we live with.

But heaven forbid we try to create a society where that isn’t even a possibility

God damn its like an advertisement against hostile design its so blatant.

The kid laying down on top of the separation bars shows exactly how it prevents laying down.

Big oof.

Possibly the advertisers did so intentionally?

Ironic seeing as that bench has hostile design to prevent anyone from sleeping there. Couldn't just work on the reasons kids or anyone goes homeless and yknow provide people with housing. It's a human right for that, food, and Healthcare but we can't provide it bc the rich need their TaxCuts sigh

but at least they're gonna leave that ad there and force people to think about it, at least until the next hollywood blockbuster comes out