Video Reveals Crucial Details of LAPD Ignoring Robbery to Catch Togetic in Pokémon Go to Not The – 191 points –
Video Reveals Crucial Details of LAPD Ignoring Robbery to Catch Togetic in Pokémon Go

'The guys are going to be so jealous': Video reveals cops ignored robbery, blew a stop sign, sped over speed bumps on residential streets, and pulled an illegal u-turn, but were able to capture two very powerful Pokémon.


Why are we okay with this

Nobody was this happened 6 years ago and the officers were fired swiftly afterwards.

"fired" usually means they just go to the next closest police department

Do we know if they were hired by other departments? Oh, maybe they are at the L.A. County Sheriff's office?

Nobody is, they were fired.

And were charged? And were prevented from becoming police one town over? And we changed policies so this wouldn't happen again?

The answer to all of those is no. We, as a society, are okay with this behavior. Police unions have proven it.

They got fired for the only crime for cops: ignoring pleas for help from other cops. If they had only just beaten a sufficiently pigmented or poor person to death, these two brave trainers would still likely be out there catching Pokemon and living the dream.