Overkill's 2023 Steam Deck Survey Results are out

Fubarberry@sopuli.xyzmod to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 63 points –

Interesting how they discussed hardware mods but not software mods (for the OS, not for games). I'm probably biased, but I'd think those would be more popular than hardware mods since they're much more accessible to the average user.

Did one of those stats say that 50% of people use track pad to game

Yep, said 55% use the tracks trackpad in games and everyone uses it in desktop mode.

That seems crazy to me. If a game needs me to use the trackpad for anything more than occasional menu navigation, that’s pretty much a dealbreaker.

It works well as a mouse in games. E.g. Stellaris is designed as a keyboard & mouse game and works quite well with the trackpad.

I use it all the time in old school runescape

What's wrong with the trackpad? I find using the trackpad to look around in FPS games is much better than the right stick.

Yeah I guess I don’t play many FPSs. I tried Civilization and just couldn’t enjoy it. And the limited time I’ve spent on desktop mode, I just kept yearning for a mouse

I used to agree until I started using gyro aim

I use touchpad to look and spin around quickly, but gyro to make small aiming adjustments.

I kind of agree. The way I have to contort my hand to use the trackpad with my right thumb is super uncomfortable for me. I prefer using the thumb stick for any kind of look. Don’t mind the trackpad for brief menu selections though.

Steam deck verified sucks because it tells you if it will run well on the deck, but doesn’t tell you if it’ll play well on the deck. If a game doesn’t have controller support then I’m not interested.

To be verified the game has to have controller support.

That said, thanks to steam input and community control profiles it's not hard to have a good experience on titles just rated "playable" even if they lack controller support.