Top comment decides next move, legal or not | day 63: Zuck is blue shell'd

It'sZedNotZee@lemmy.antemeridiem.xyzmod to – 77 points –

Sorry about the wait, I'm mentally unstable /j?
Bro, how the fuck do you use git? it's been so long i forgor 💀 my workflow


Holy hell, it's back.

uhh, so what if this is the top comment?

Use the second top comment

Hope you figure out whatever you're going through ♥️

Also to remind yourself how to use git, put the man entry for git in the background.

Refresh time; The board reverts to the state it was in on Day 3.

The Large Hardon Collider explodes a timeloop and by the time they figure out a way to break it all the pieces and drivers have evolvedinto a bunch of very horny crabs

Knight jumps ahead with superior track skipping, literally skipping half the track

As they round the turn, they discover that up ahead lies reverse mountain.